InfiniTec - Henning Krauses Blog

Don't adjust your mind - it's reality that is malfunctioning

Setting the Meeting organizer with WebDAV

If you plan a meeting with Outlook and invite attendees, Outlook will send meeting requests to all attendees. If they accept the request, a meeting will be created in the attendees calendar. While you can send meeting requests via WebDAV, you might want to create the meetings directly in the attendees mailbox. In this case, you are either creating the meeting with the account of the organizer (in this case that account needs access to the mailboxes of the attendees) are a server account which has those permissions. In either case you might want to control the meeting organizer.

The meeting organizer is stored in three properties:


The format of the these properties are documented here.


Posted by Henning Krause on Monday, September 3, 2007 12:00 AM, last modified on Monday, September 3, 2007 12:00 PM
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